It has been really busy this first half term and I've had no chance to get into the office to write the blog.
It has been great meeting all the new receptions and their parents, getting to know everyone (even behind the mask) and settle everyone on. Luckily, everyone seems to have just taken to school and Kids' Club perfectly.
We've also had some new children join us in the other groups as well, joining friends from school they already know and equally have settled in great.
We've been keeping groups seperate still, which has been working well, keeping sessions varied as usual an leaning on the childrens' interests.
Our sad news of the half term that many of you would know already, is that Ryan, our Big Group leader has moved on to another job. He's been a big part of Kids' Club over the years, he's helped out in Mucky Pups, been our helper in all groups, sharing Big Group with Joe, until moving into having Big Group to himself. I'm sure you'll wish him well in his new job, we sure do.
In replacement of Ryan, is one of his friends from Youth Club, who again, some of you may know.
Connor is the new leader of Big Group. He has previously been working at Moorside Kids' Club and has moved over to us. With him already working at Youth Club in the same building, Connor knows his way around, worked with some of the children already from Youth Club, and has a great experience in leading sessions.
I won't go into all the individual sessions from over the last half term, but rest assured, there has been baking, drawing, designing, whiteboard games, sports, music making, quizzes, dancing and much more besides.
Hope to see you again next half term, have a great break.