"Making a bear and playing hide and seek with it" - Willy
"Reading the story "we're going on a bear hunt" and the children bringing the story to life, we even made our own bear binoculars to go searching for the bear. Lots of fun with the whole group." - Clare
"We folded our own bear cubs, first the head, then the body, stick together TADA our own paper bears - Nicky
Middle Group
"Having free play outside and drawing with chalk" - Lila
"Playing "who's got the ball?" and seeing middle group use their detective skill to find out who has it." - Michaela
Big Group
"I really liked playing middle group at dodgeball for session" - Brian
"On Friday some of big group asked if they could help walking little group over from school to club and showing very good maturity and setting a good example for the group" - Connor