There have been lots of games played as well during free choice and also spilling into some sessions. The number one choice at the moment has been the card game Uno! Which has had children from all groups and staff taking part, certainly a crowd pleaser. We’ve also had many more chess sessions and also multiple games of charades.
Big group have had games of Mafia, (think wink murder, but with more narrative) which has been a hit, and middle group have been playing Bingo!
Little group have been keeping up with the children’s interests and have made their own versions of Forkie from the now Toy Story film.
Big group have been making friendship bracelets with wool and string, and some have also made book marks. There has been painting just using black and a stippling effect to creature shade and texture to the paintings, and they have also had a go at creating some cubism style painting as well with a bit of a twist.
Some children wanted to continue pixel art and others have been making their way through our big group library that is in their room.
Middle group have been making paper aeroplanes along with some of middle group, and big group managed to get involved with it also.
As usual, cakes have been made in middle group with Alison which looked amazing!
On the last day of term, we have kept things nice and relaxed. Many of the children have brought in their own toys as it was toy day at school, Ryan is leading a pool session and there is also the PS4 out for the children to take turns with, not to mention the rest of the usual activities we have out anyway. If the children want to, they can make music requests as we have brought the speakers in to play some music while they play.
One last note,
We are sorry to say that Alison is leaving us to go onto her new job. She doesn’t want to make a fuss and so hasn’t told anyone, but today will be her last day. We wish her luck and all the best, and she will be missed here at Kids Club.
Alison will be returning with her children, so at least we will still see her in some capacity!!
That’s it for After School Club until September, but there should be updates for the Summer Holidays, so stay tuned!