11th September - "We enjoyed making paper lanterns to decorate our window as well as finding lots of Autumn leaves to use in our crafts" - Kayleigh
18th September - "Little group worked well in small group cutting apples and melting chocolate to make apple doughnuts!" - Kayleigh
25th September - "Little group had an amazing time making their own campfire and baking cookies for our camping on Friday". - Kayleigh
"It has been great to see the older children playing and looking after the new receptions" - Clare
"The best day at Kids' Club ever!" - Hallie
2nd October - "This week little group continued to use autumn treasures to create beautiful crafts such as autumn snow globes, snails and wreaths." - Kayleigh
"We had great fun making salt dough hedgehogs - We shall be painting them next week! - Clare