"Seeing my friends from different schools and playing outside with them in the sunshine" - James
"All the children drew pictures for the Queen and we made a beautiful collage card to send her in celebration of her jubilee. Elsie said "I can't believe the Queen will see my picture of herself!" We hope she likes the card, it was great" - Clare
Middle Group
"Bingo! It's my favourite games"- Lexi
"I liked dodgeball, we did races to get the ball for our team" - Jago
"Middle Group worked together to make decorations for our Jubilee party on Wednesday. Big Bunting with the flag in our own colours." - Nicky
Big Group
"Backwards football and design a theme park!" - Zlata, Mishal, Brad Brian and Charlie
"The group putting their creative ideas to the test in competition to design the best theme park" - Micheala