So, due to this, and to keep with the children's interests, the children have been partaking in crafts and games related to bonfire night.
Little Group Have been discussing bonfire night and talking about staying safe, and having fun. There were a few ways that the children already knew about when being safe with sparklers, for example, and one of those is to stick the sparkler in a fat carrot and hold that. This means that it is further from your hand, and nice and thick to hold.
They have also making firework pictures using various media; chalks, felt tips and coloured paper. Clare has also played 'find the firework' as a whiteboard game. The children have to choose a grid reference and then Clare will reveal if there is a firework in that square or not. There are 3 to find.
Continuing the theme, Clare and the children made rockets of their own using cardboard tubes and tissue paper for the streamers and also Firework painting using bright colours and sponges to apply the paint.
On top of all this, there were lots of games in the hall, colouring sessions joined up with middle group when it was quiet, and preparing for children in need week, by colouring Pudsy Bear, and designing biscuits.
Middle Group have continued the theme as well with firework drawings using chalk, and some autumn colouring pictures, where the children were limited to using only browns, oranges, yellows and reds. This was done to create a piece of art that really reflected the season.
Middle group have also been getting ready for children in need by doing some colouring pages around the event, and making their own Pudsy bear pictures.
In the hall, they have been playing Elephants in the long grass, which always involves lots of running, capture the flag, and also a trip to the park nextdoor.
The group was also lucky enough to make rice crispy cakes using melted marshmallows. They were extremely sticky, but tasted good.
Big Group had the best start to the week, when they baked a cake! A proper Victoria Sponge, complete with jam and cream. Ryan was mostly pleased with himself as that was the first time he had ever baked a cake. It didn't taste half bad!
They have also done a group favourite of junk modeling, and the new favourite game - Higher or Liar.
In the hall, they have been playing elephants in the long grass, which was joined with middle group, and also 4 corners and some dodgeball.
Big group also tested their artistic skills this week in portraits of their friends. Some of the artists were very pleased with themselves, the one's being drawn, however...
Big group also played a rapid game of Beetle Drive, which is always a frantic game to play but lots of fun.